🍫 More Than Robots #75 March 2024

"We were all saying it was a mess and there hadn't been any organisation, but we were just hoping that together it wouldn't be that bad. But it was."

"We were all saying it was a mess and there hadn't been any organisation, but we were just hoping that together it wouldn't be that bad. But it was." AI Wonka

There can be great expectations for Spring so here are a few green shoots and ides to be wary of.

đź“– Research

Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology

Children learn to interact with digital technology by observing experienced users, following an individual and autonomous trial-error path which is not risk-free.

Fewer than half of social media users find content controls effective

After using content controls, only 38% of people said their experience improved, while 44% said their experience didn’t change, 2% said it got worse and 16% said they didn’t know.

Digitally Empowering Young People

Podcast series exploring technology-assisted child sexual abuse material, focusing on the misleading term “self-generated”, which problematically places the blame on the victim

CORE: Evidence Base & Data Directory

A free online database and directory of European research and evidence on children’s and young people’s digital lives.

Tech Horizons Report

Eight technologies ICO believes 'may have a particularly significant impact on our societies, economies and information rights in the next two to seven years.'

đź—ł Take part

BBC Young Reporter Competition

11 to 18 year olds are invited to tell a story they think the BBC should be reporting

🧰 Resources

Your Police

Official UK police Instagram channel, providing reliable information and advice to teenagers

Science Journals for Kids

Scientific articles written for children and approved by scientists

The Good Robot

Podcast series providing practical tools for creating more equitable AI informed by intersectional feminist knowledge.

Everyday Digital

Simple habits to help families develop media literacy skills

đź’ˇInspiration and opinion

AI and the power of narratives

If we are going to engage the public meaningfully in the root causes of AI systems, we need to build a public concept of data, as a collective, common good.

Policing The Metaverse: Who’s In Charge?

“...well, my avatar gets killed in a video game all the time - doesn't mean I’m trying to charge people with murder”

Metaphors make the world

We owe it to ourselves and others to reflect on the appropriateness of the metaphors we employ to frame the world. These choices – conscious or not – can be constructive or disastrous.

…and finally

Selfies for Algernon

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Jamie Larson