🤑 More Than Robots #86 February 2025 "Art doesn't change anything. Art changes you" David Lynch As the world takes a turn and we consider our national resources here's a whole heap of tools and ideas to help us all keep on.
🤑 More Than Robots #86 February 2025 "Art doesn't change anything. Art changes you" David Lynch As the world takes a turn and we consider our national resources here's a whole heap of tools and ideas to help us all keep on.
📧 More Than Robots #85 January 2025 No one needs more emails - especially in January. However, this selection box that More Than Robots has been trained on, may refresh your inbox or reconnect you with old friends.
🎁 More Than Robots #84 December 2024 The festive season is here and as we get cosy, watch the adverts and gather with family/friends here are a few crackers to explore
🎆 More Than Robots #83 November 2024 Remember remember... there may be plots and fireworks everywhere but here are some things to be thankful for
👻 More Than Robots #82 October 2024 Halloween is not until the end of the month, but plenty of terrifying stuff is already happening. So here are some treats ... and a few tricks.
📓 More Than Robots #81 September 2024 Whether it's back to school, back to back to back meetings or 'never mind the backlog', September is back. And it's a bumper.
🏖️ More Than Robots #80 August 2024 You probably don't need more random emails to wade through after a summer break...
📈 More Than Robots #79 July 2024 All change. And more to come. Here are some pointers to where change may happen ...or already is.
🗳More Than Robots #77 May 2024 "Deeds not words" As the race for our vote hots up around the world here are some reports, tools and ideas that might swing you.
🌦️ More Than Robots #76 April 2024 "Sunshine and showers" As time and seasons change, here are some signs and markers to help us find our way.
🍫 More Than Robots #75 March 2024 "We were all saying it was a mess and there hadn't been any organisation, but we were just hoping that together it wouldn't be that bad. But it was."
👻 More Than Robots #74 February 2024 “If a tree falls in the woods..." Research, resources and ideas - a low-fi guidebook to the youth / digital / equity Venn we ramble around.
📦 More Than Robots #73 January 2024 “Maybe tommorow…” Littlest Hobo More Than Robots will probably be on the move again – because, Nazis. Over the next few months there will be a change in medium – but not in message. As a slight New Year detour – and whilst we all catch up on life post-holidays – here’s a
✨ More Than Robots #72 December 2023 “My God, It's Full of Stars” This edition is so full there’s no room for an intro. Find more More Than Robots on Threads 📖 Research A problem hiding in plain sight? Contrary to what is commonly assumed, children are not economically inactive. They are free to spend,
🪡 More Than Robots #71 November 2023 “sometimes I remember days of old / When fellowship seemed not so far to seek” Christina Rossetti More Than Robots is now on Threads …if you can find me… 📖 Research Girls & Mobile Phones, apps and digital platforms are not currently designed for the ways in which girls use them (which
⏱ More Than Robots #70 October 2023 ‘Delayed’ This edition of More Than Robots has been delayed longer than HS2, NHS appointments and autumn due to illness and other facts of life. But it’s here and it’s packed. 📖 Research The Good Childhood Report A larger proportion of females than males was unhappy with their friendships,
👩🏫 More Than Robots #69 September 2023 “Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” Sir Ken Robinson As the great migration back to school and work gets into gear, here are a few things to pack alongside your fancy pencil case and new school shoes. 📖 Research
🌡 More Than Robots #68 August 2023 Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it ― Saint Augustine 📖 Research Technology in education: a tool on whose terms? Digital technology has dramatically increased access to teaching and learning resources. But it should focus on learning outcomes, not on
More Than Robots #67 July 2023 No one belongs here more than you - Miranda July Some say that life is a journey with one destination, if so then here are some sights and signposts for the ramble. 📖 Research Financial Sextortion Nearly two-thirds of teens and young adults, in six countries, said they or their friends
More Than Robots #66 June 2023 Tell them that I stood in line and I waited - June Jordan According to the AI prophets, the outlook is either brilliantly bright or cataclysmically dark. So here are a few things that find their way between. 📖 Research Social Media and Youth Mental Health We cannot conclude that social
🤴 More Than Robots #65 May 2023 “Brief words are hard to find” Basil Bunting This is a month of rebellion, revolution and rejoicing. Here is a bit of each for us to take away Subscribe 📖 Research Online safety tools — a false hope? We found 33 different user-empowerment tools on Facebook alone. There is a real danger
⚽️ More Than Robots #64 April 2023 “It’s a game of two haves” The times are changing and spring is slowly springing so here are some green shoots to spring-clean your thinking and let the sunshine in. 📖 Research Minimum Digital Living Standard ‘A minimum digital standard of living includes, but is more than, having accessible internet,
🎈More Than Robots #63 March 2023 “Some guns were fired to give notice that the departure of the balloon was near...” Benjamin Franklin The way balloons and bots have floated through our news feeds is a handy reminder that what goes up usually finds a way down. So here are a few things to help us
⏎ More Than Robots #62 February 2023 “Dont call it a comeback” LL Cool J New year, new look but hopefully the same approach and love. Please let me know if you have any feedback or issues. 📖 Research Youth Misspent: Uncovering the harsh realities for Britain’s young people in today’s job market 30% of young
Laser sharks in space - Coming soon The newsletter you are waiting for is delayed due to signaling failures
🧠 More Than Robots - #60 December 2022 ...and finally Why was the robot feeling cold? Because it left its Windows open! This edition of More Than Robots has been brought to you by Open AI and ChatGPT. The humans will return in the new year
🍸 More Than Robots - #59 November 22 📖 Research The Nominet Digital Youth Index is a free-to-use national, annual benchmarking and barometer research identifying and monitoring the key drivers, issues and opportunities in young people’s relationship with digital technology across the UK. See also: Lloyds Consumer Digital Index 2022 Conflicts involving digital technologies have serious implications for
🧛🏻♂️ More Than Robots #58 - October 22 🗳 Take Part The only annual event looking at the challenges and opportunities of raising and educating children in a digital world. Capture a moment that tells a story about living, learning and connecting in cyberspace. 📖 Research An isolated incident that has an immediately harmful impact appear to be easier to
🕳 More Than Robots - #57 / September 22 📆 Events The only annual event looking at the challenges and opportunities of raising and educating children in a digital world. From Discovery to Recovery: Tackling Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse - Sharing Challenges and Considering Solutions 📖 Research 95% of teens use YouTube, 67% TikTok and 62% Instragram. Meanwhile, the share of
🎾 More Than Robots #55 / July 22 📖 Research Girls – in particular girls from more disadvantaged backgrounds – often have the most negative experience How young people navigate the online world is an extension of the way in which they navigate social interactions in general. Excluded young people can encounter challenges around establishing and maintaining healthy, supportive, and trusting
👑 More Than Robots #54 /June 2022 📆 MTR Meet Up Mashup Friday 24th June / 09.30 - 11.30 / Online Join us for a special collaborative event exploring creativity, digital and learning. Combining forces for the first time, the Connected Learning Centre and More Than Robots have created a session for anyone interested in the digital provision
🛸 More Than Robots #53 / May 2022 📖 Research There has been growing concern about the increasing frequency at which young people online portray mental health problems which they do not have. Searches for “fake tourettes” and “fake DID” have shot up recently due to this trend that has flooded social media Young people with higher digital skill
📈 More Than Robots / #52 April 2022 📖 Research 33% of parents of 5-7s said their child had a social media profile, and 60% of 8-11s said they had one. 36% of 8-17s who gamed online played with people they didn’t know and 16% chatted to people they didn’t know, via the messaging/ chat functions in
⛑ More Than Robots #51 / March 2022 🤖 Join Us Save your place at the next More Than Robots Meet-up Online / 10.00 - 12.00 / FREE Great speakers covering a wide range of topics that all link around digital and young people Topics include: * Taming gaming / Andy Robertson * Making informal learning visible with open badges / Navigatr * Digital
🤖More Than Robots #50 / February 2022 🤖 Join Us Join us for the 16th More Than Robots Meet-up / Online 10.00 - 12.00 Case studies, learning and opportunities from the digital/youth/inclusion venn. Topics include Taming gaming and media literacy for SEND + More TBC 📖 Research Children's society report looks at the evidence on
👨🎤 More Than Robots #49 / January 2022 📖 Research 'Smartphone use was negatively correlated with self-control but not correlated with consideration of future consequences' 'We have a new cohort, and they are not getting what they need. The systems have remained broadly the same, while children’s lives have changed massively, and they are struggling
⚬ More Than Robots #48 / December 2021 Hello, “What we do is like wind blowing on the grass.” — Ursula K. Le Guin December's newsletter was derailed by a series of unfortunate events. Sorry for the gap in service but with so much going on you may well welcome something quiet in your inbox for a
🌍More Than Robots #47 / November 2021 Hello, 'A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam' — Frederik Pohl This edition of More Than Robots got delayed in committee. However, the good news is we have pledged to reduce delays by 1% by 2050! There will be
🚚More Than Robots #46 / October 2021 Hello, "There are diamonds on my windshield / And these tears from heaven" - Tom Waits The supply chain may have broken but here is a delivery of fresh research, essential resources and a full tank of ideas 📖 Research The Big Answer / Children's Commissioner for England 74%
🔮More Than Robots #45 / September 2021 Hello, "I think my name is sewn on somewhere / Perhaps the teacher will read it for me" - Roger McGough It may be a new school year with new routines, new etiquette and a whole new normal - but much remains the same. Here are some new takes
☔︎More Than Robots #44 / August 2021 Hello, We are taking a short break. We will return in September. In the meantime, here is a word from our sponsor
🚸More Than Robots #43 / July 2021 Hello, "You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons" Frank Zappa It may be the final whistle or we might still go to some variant
🌈More Than Robots #42 / June 2021 Hello, "Each belongs here or anywhere just as much as the well-off, just as much as you, Each has his or her place in the procession" - Walt Whitman 📆 More Than Robots Meet Up / July The next More Than Robots meet up will take place via zoom on
👑 Than Robots #41 / May 2021 Hello, “Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.” - Shakespeare The revolution may not be televised, but it's probably taking shape across screens of all kinds. Here are a few signs, stories and ideas for what the next episode may bring... 📖 Research OnlyFans and
🔮More Than Robots #40 / April 2021 Hello, 'Then fill up a bumper and make it o'erflow,' Robert Burns Some things are springing back to life and a few green shoots are emerging - so here is an extra-large edition for the longer days ahead... 📖 Research Coronavirus and UK kids / BBC Newsround 28%
🛣More Than Robots #39 / March 2021 Hello, 'White in the moon the long road lies,' AE Housman So a road has been mapped out that will lead us toward a post-pandemic utopia - how we travel that road will vary greatly - some may glide there but for the majority, it will be a
🦀More Than Robots #38 / February 2021 Hello "Children’s rights shall be respected, protected and fulfilled in the digital environment" - UNCRC GC25 Now the how... 📆 More Than Robots Meet-Up - February 19th The next meet up is on Friday 19th February 10.00 - 12.00 - via Zoom. REGISTER NOW TO SAVE
🕹More Than Robots #37 / January 2021 Hello, "Watch out for that first step. It's a doozy!" - Ned It's a new year - or maybe it's just the same one but with difficulty the level set to 'extra' - here are a few things that may
💉More Than Robots #36 / December 2020 Hello, "I feel so privileged, I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends after being on my own for most of the year” - Margaret Keenen This edition got delayed in the Christmas mail. Whether December marks the end of the beginning, the start
🌊More Than Robots #35 / November 2020 Hello, 'Beech leaves, that yellow the noontime, Float past like specks in the eye;' - Thomas Hardy 'Groundhog Day' seems like an oracle these days. In a world of bubbles, tiers and waves here are a few bright and buoyant things to keep us afloat. 📖 Research
🍄More Than Robots #34 / October 2020 Hello, October is a mushroom month. Darker days punctuated with unexpected growth. Here are a few foraged finds that may help keep us connected. 📆 More Than Robots Autumn Meet-Up / Oct 23 The next meet up is on Friday, October 23rd 10.00 - 12.00 Topics include: Visualising trends in
📆Invitation: More Than Robots Meet Up / October 23 / Online Hello; The 13th More Than Robots meetup will take place online on Friday, 23rd October 10.00 - 12.00 Save your place Who? The meet up is intended for anyone interested in the role of digital in youth participation, engagement and support in any sector. Presentations include: * Visualising trends,
🚸 More Than Robots #33 / September 2020 Hello, 'Don't call it a comeback' LL Cool J Welcome back. Back to school, back to the office, back to the future... everything seems to be going back... or backwards depending on where you are standing. Wherever you're going here are a few things
🌳 More Than Robots #32 / August 2020 Hello, We are taking a short break for a walk in the woods - normal-ish service will resume in September...
🚚 More Than Robots #31 / July 2020 Hello, 'All humankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move' – Benjamin Franklin Things are moving. Some spaces are opening and bigger bubbles are forming - for some. As things move on, it will be interesting to see what
📊More Than Robots #30 / June 2020 “I'll tell you what Freedom is to me. No fear” - Nina Simone Hello, As one kind of lockdown is lifted, important numbers and statistics are emerging. Data can help us know what's going on, who is where, where they are going or what happened. Big
👩🔬More Than Robots #29 / May 2020 ”I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what" Hello, As part of 'Bringing in the May' it was tradition to venture out in the morning sun, gather fresh flowers and gift some colour to your friends. As
📆Invitation: More Than Robots Meet Up / May 1 / Online Hello like before, The spring More Than Robots meetup will take place online on Friday, May 1st 10.00 - 12.00 / Save your place The same, but different - in two parts The normal, discussion focussed format of the More Than Robots meetup will have to be adapted for
🙃More Than Robots #28 / April 2020 “Living, being in the world, was a much greater and stranger thing than she had ever dreamed.” Ursula K Le Guin Hello The world seems upside down. Being together might kill us - but staying together is the only thing that will save us. In a normal edition of More
🧟♂️More Than Robots #27 / March 2020 “I’m playing Xbox so much I don’t really have time to watch Netflix.” William, 15 Hello, Time continues to March on - However, all the signs feel quite apocalyptic at the moment - so here is a bumper collection of Spring fresh and evergreen ideas that may offer
🤡More Than Robots #26 / February 2020 'tis the time's plague when madmen lead the blind’ Hello, February was known in Old English as 'mud month' - which seems pretty accurate - but it was also known as the 'month of cakes' - which sounds so much better! So, here
🔮More Than Robots #25 / January 2020 Hello, We can't predict the future, but there are plenty of signs as to how this decade might go So, as we head into the great unknown, here are few things that might help light the way 📖 Research Skins in the Game / RSPH 55% of young people believe
🌪More Than Robots #24 /December 2019 Hello, This edition is lighter than usual as we have been busy onboarding two new members of the More Than Robots team. We are very lucky that Grace and Robyn have chosen to join us - what they lack in experience they more than make up for in curiosity and
🎆More Than Robots #23 / November 2019 Hello, This month there will be fireworks, a bonfire of promises and a change in the weather The poet Thomas Hood found November to be a challenging time - but here are some things to remember that even he would be thankful for... 📖 Research Media Use by US Tweens and
🎃More Than Robots #22 / October 2019 Hello, Now is the time of no reply. Even in this tech saturated world, Autumn still has a deep, old-world resonance. A time of myths and monsters, when we reflect on what has gone before and pray there will be enough food to get us through the hard times ahead.
🔥 More Than Robots XXL #20 / July 2019 Hello, We live in 'interesting times'... After a short summer break, we return to 'normal' service with an XXL edition of facts, tools and inspiration to tackle what may come next - after all, extreme seems to be the new normal now... 📣 More Than Robots Meet
🏝More Than Robots #21 / August 2019 Hello, We now take a short break from our regular programme for a word from our sponsor Normal service will resume in September... More or less? This is all still an experiment - it would be really good to get your feedback or ideas on how to improve. Please drop
🌻More Than Robots #20 / July 2019 Hello, Sunshine and strawberries may get the headlines but July is a month of breakthroughs, breakaways and record-breakers - some good, some less good. Here are a few things that may make you proud or make your blood boil - and some long reads for the slow summer days ahead.
🎭 More Than Robots #18 / June 2019 Hello, One root of 'June' is the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger ones". This seems fitting for a month that is filled with magic and romance. So, despite the appearance of Bottom like characters on our stage, here are some things that we can still sing,
🎏More Than Robots #17 / May 2019 Hello, May is a season of revolution, rebellion and resistance. In Japan, it is also Children's Day - and as we all know - children are the future. So, here are a few things to help the next generation be inspired, get organised and make trouble with... 📣 More
🧹More Than Robots #16 / April 2019 Hello, After a short break, normal service is being resumed - in a slightly more regulated way. As we spring forward into a brave new world, here are a few green shoots I uncovered whilst tidying up... 📖 Research Managing the Impact of Social Media on Young People’s Mental Health
⏱More Than Robots #15 / March 2019 Hello, Sorry for the delay... This month's update is a bit later than usual due to travel Sometimes, slow can be good but waiting can be a challenge and some delays are just dangerous Here are a few things that are worth waiting for or that you may
🐷More Than Robots #14 / February 2019 Hello, Winter and the 'thing that shall not be named' may be stumbling on forever but this month is also the Lunar New Year. So let us look ahead to new beginnings with some cracking ideas and a few tasty dumplings. 📅 Meet-Up / Friday, February 22 The British Museum
🎂More Than Robots #13 / January 2019 Hello, Now we are one! It is one year since we started More Than Robots properly. Thank you to everyone old, new and in-between who has helped with making and sharing the updates and meet-ups. Here's to many more together 📅 Meet-Up / Friday, February 22 The next digital participation
🎄More Than Robots #12 / December 2018 Hello, The battle of the adverts has begun and so the festive season must be descending upon us. This is a time of having, giving, sharing and receiving, so here are the gifts that keep on giving, some food for thought and a couple of crackers To absent friends If
🎆More Than Robots #11 / November 2018 Hello, Remember, remember the 5th of November... but don't forget the 16th. To help you stay safe and get through the November rain here is a collection of sparklers and a few things that may surprise you. 📖 Research Kids’ Trends of Q3 2018 / Super Awesome Baby Shark, Gacha,
🍂More Than Robots #10 / October 2018 Hello, And so, we find ourselves falling into the 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'. To fend off the twilight here is a bumper harvest of ideas and some scary stories for modern times... If you have something to shriek about please email me or haunt me on
🎒More Than Robots #9 / September 2018 Hello, As the endless summer comes to an end, we dive back into work and the battle with our to-do list kicks off again. To help us get back-to-work-ready, here is a whole backpack of useful stuff and some new ideas to grow into. If you have something to shout
❌More Than Robots #8 / August 2018 This is a special announcement for those awaiting the 08/18 More Than Robots newsletter: Due to timetable changes, signal failures and a lack of staff, this edition has been cancelled. More Than Robots apologises for the delay and any inconvenience this may cause. Normal service will be resumed as
🏆🏳️🌈More Than Robots #7 / July 2018 Hello, As I write this it is the World Cup and London Pride. Lots of fun with flags and 'passion' - but with quite different inspirations and consequences. I guess context is queen. Whatever you are celebrating, here is a rainbow of reasons to be cheerful, opportunities to
⛈️More Than Robots #6 / June 2018 Hello, Rain almost stopped play this month as the bookmarking service I use unexpectedly shut off access to the EU because of GDPR. However, whilst not quite a 'worthy crisis', the stopping of the machine did help me rediscover some older things and explore some new horizons. Every
✊More Than Robots #5 / May 2018 Hello, May is a month of ancient traditions and modern revolutions. So, let us gather around the digital maypole to celebrate the new and the old. May the force be with you. Share and shout Please share with your colleagues, loose acquaintances, friends and enemies and let them know they
🏠 More Than Robots #4 / April 2018 Hello, Sorry this update has been delayed. Easter and moving house took over a bit. However, with all the data 'sharing' going on at the moment you probably knew all that already... Hopefully, unboxing these new links and re-discovering some old treasures will be worth your wait. Share
📣News: Digital Inclusion / Investment and Support Opportunity We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this special announcement: #NotWithoutMe Carnegie UK Trust has launched a new programme to explore ways of reducing digital exclusion among young people facing complex challenges. The #NotWithoutMe Accelerator includes investment and support for organisations to research, design and refine proposals that will help
🌼More Than Robots #3 / March 2018 Hello, It may not feel like it but Spring is almost here. In anticipation of brighter days ahead, here are a few new shoots and good things from seasons past Please share the March madness as you wish. Anyone can join the group and subscribe to the mailing list If
💝More Than Robots #2 / Feb 2018 More Than Robots #2 / Feb 18 Hello! It's February and Valentine's Day - that means love is in the air Here are a few links and things that may make you swipe right Please share the love as you wish. Anyone can join the group and
👋 More Than Robots #1 / Jan 18 More Than Robots #1 / Jan 18 Hello! Happy 2018. I hope you had a good break and the year is treating you well so far. Here are a few links and things that may help you with your plans for this year. Please share as you wish. Anyone can join
❄️Digital Participation Ideas & Inspiration / More Than Robots #0 Hello world; Welcome to the introduction edition of More Than Robots... Questions you may have... What is this? This is first Digital Participation Meet Up update using a using a new mailing list system. It builds on previous Digital Participation emails that you received but the new format is hopefully