🐷More Than Robots #14 / February 2019

Winter and the 'thing that shall not be named' may be stumbling on forever but this month is also the Lunar New Year. So let us look ahead to new beginnings with some cracking ideas and a few tasty dumplings.

📅 Meet-Up / Friday, February 22

The British Museum is very kindly hosting the next #MTRMeetup on Feb 22nd. Due to popular demand, there is a waiting list - but please still register as we hope to make more spaces available soon


If you would like to host the next meet up please get in touch

📖 Research

Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2018 / Ofcom
92% of 5-15-year-olds go online. This increases with age, ranging from 52% of 3-4s to 99% of 12-15s. 45% 3-4-year-olds have used YouTube, rising to 89% of 12-15s.  Facebook is the most popular social media /messaging app. However, 12-15s are more likely than in 2017 to use Instagram (65% vs. 47%) and WhatsApp (43% vs. 32%)

Children's Media Lives / Ofcom / Revealing Reality
Children are exerting more control over their viewing, watching content alone, and using streaming platforms that allow them greater choice over what and when they watch

Children’s data and privacy online: An evidence review / LSE
Individual privacy decisions and practices are influenced by the social environment...differences between children (developmental, socio-economic, skill-related, gender- or vulnerability-based) might influence their engagement with privacy online

The association between adolescent well-being and digital technology use / Nature Human Behaviour
While we find that digital technology use has a small negative association with adolescent well-being, this finding is best understood in terms of other human behaviours captured in these large-scale social datasets. / Open Access

Looking forward: Technological and social change in the lives of European children and young people / ICT Coalition for Children Online
Young people find ways of managing when they have difficult experiences online, but rarely do they turn to parents, teachers or industry as resources to deal with these difficulties

Impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health / House of Commons Science and Technology Committee
The digital literacy and resilience of children, as well as their teachers and parents, must be improved to help safeguard children from risks and harms when using social media

📎 Resources

Above The Noise
Short videos informed by young people that 'cut through the hype surrounding controversial topics in the news to find out what's really going on'

Digital Literacy Library
Resources for educators to help with teaching digital literacy - developed by Berkman Klein Center at Harvard for Facebook

Guidelines to Enhance Child Participation and Work with Youth on Child Advisory Boards
Practical advice, models and examples for setting up a 'children's advisory board' from Terres Des Hommes

A Newsletter Guide
Templates and tactics for getting more from your email newsletters - Note to self: read this

💭 Inspiration and opinion

Internet Harm Reduction Proposal
'Code is the architecture of cyberspace and affects what people do online: code permits, facilitates and sometimes prohibits...online environments reflect choices made by the people who create and manage them;
those who make choices should be responsible for the reasonable foreseeable risks of those choices'

Gratitude and its Dangers in Social Technologies
'If we’re going to design for community we need to focus on relationships, not just the faceless outputs we want from “human computation'

A New Attitude to Young People is Needed
'Despite what the media would have us think, young people are not ‘a’ problem or ‘the’ problem'

Now Your Groceries See You, Too
'Shoppers aren’t identified when the fridge cameras scan their face. Instead, the cameras analyze faces to make inferences about shoppers’ age and gender...' Bonus: body cameras for teachers

...and finally
The robots may rise up - but not on a snow day...

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Jamie Larson