👑 Than Robots #41 / May 2021


“Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.” - Shakespeare

The revolution may not be televised, but it's probably taking shape across screens of all kinds. Here are a few signs, stories and ideas for what the next episode may bring...

📖 Research

OnlyFans and young people: exploitation or empowerment? / VoiceBox
“I got tired of reading all the creepy DMs from both randos on Twitter and paying subscribers.” / Watch: Report launch webinar

Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2020/21 / Ofcom
70% of 12-15-year-olds are aware of reporting tools, but only 14% have ever used them
/ Also: “I have been saving up for an Xbox so I was thinking, if I get a new Xbox then I will start streaming on Twitch.” Zak, 11  Children’s Media Lives 2020/21

#CovidUnder19: Life Under Coronavirus / TDH
62% of children in detention centres, refugee camps and homeless centres said they had no access or hardly any access to the internet. Children who hardly ever accessed the internet were much more likely to say they didn’t know how to seek help if they feel unsafe or worried, compared to children who went online very often

Rebooting Britain: Building Back UK Online / Alliance for full employment
Britain now needs a robust national plan to deliver digital access and inclusion to all our citizens - essential public services should be free at the point of use / Also: Data Poverty in Scotland and Wales / Nesta

Profiling Children for Advertising: Facebook’s Monetisation of Young People’s Personal Data / Reset Australia
Only 2.2% of young people said they found profiling for commercial advertising helpful

Face the Fact - Annual report  / Internet Watch Foundation
153,383 reports were confirmed as containing child sexual abuse imagery or UK-hosted non-photographic child sexual abuse imagery. This is a 16% increase from 2019.

Youth Internet Safety Education: Aligning Programs With the Evidence Base / University of New Hampshire
Most prevention education programs on internet harms are best carried out through integrated and comprehensive programs that focus on both offline and online risks and dynamics conjointly

📎 Resources

Digitally Kind / Carnegie UK Trust
A guide to help 'bridge the gaps between digital policy, process and practice to improve outcomes, and introducing kindness as a value to underpin an organisational approach'

The Internet of Toys Certification Scheme
New certification for manufacturers designed to provide parents and carers confidence in the cybersecurity of connected toys, devices, associated online services and applications likely to be used by children and young people aged under 18

Empowering People with Controls / TTC Labs
A 'visual explainer' about why data is mostly collected and how it is often used

Edge Browser: Kids Mode / Microsoft
A 'kid friendly' version of Microsft's web browser

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🗳 Take Part

The Big Ask / Children's Commissioner for England
A national survey of children aged 4 - 17 on their views for the future

💬 Inspiration and opinion

G7 Internet Safety Principles
'We BELIEVE that companies should be transparent, including with consumers, about the presence of known illegal and harmful activity on their services, and the decisions and measures taken to improve internet safety, as well as be accountable for the decisions made to counter illegal and harmful content in line with their terms and conditions at global, national, and regional levels'

Full Stack Service Design
'From policy development to metrics & measurements, organisational structures to technical architecture, all of these components – and the decisions we make about them on a daily basis – have an impact on the services we deliver and our ability to meet user needs'

The Automation Charade
'Our general lack of curiosity about how the platforms and services we use every day really work means that we often believe the hype, giving automation more credit than it’s actually due. In the process, we fail to see—and to value—the labor of our fellow human beings. We mistake fauxtomation for the real thing, reinforcing the illusion that machines are smarter than they really are' / Also: Does it even work?

...and finally
Robots may be a false promise at the moment, but, when they do eventually take over, be prepared to welcome them like the children of Milton Keynes...with bananas

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Jamie Larson